
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Amber heard before and after / A weight loss inspiration


Here's a really good inspiration. So feel like running now.


  1. Wow that really is amazing. I think she is stunningly beautiful, a very underrated beauty, I can't believe Hollywood doesn't take more notice of her, at least Johnny Depp has an appreciation for true beauty. Thanks for posting this its really an inspiration. Usually I weigh about 100 lbs but I feel losing about 5 lbs will take fat off my cheeks...that is my weak area. I also see with Amber's weight loss the fat went off the this really makes me confident as well that I can get mine off. Good luck with your own weight loss!

    1. I totally agree with you. She is gorgeous! Wish to see her in more films and shows!

      All the best to you too!

    2. and now we know her a little better and know she's as ugly as they come on the inside and has had plastic leat on her nose. Gold digger.

    3. You only weigh 100lbs damn, I don't think you need to lose any weight. I do like my women petite like you. ;-(

    4. This comment did not age well, she is so ugly on the inside

  2. She still suffers of the fat girl syndrome. Look what she did to Depp. Beautiful or not, she's a psychopath. It is obvious that she hates herself and this comes from the trauma of living with a dysmorphic body her whole life. She's a scam and she knows it deep down. The worst thing is that she takes it on others with her evilness.

    1. Amber Heard did not suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder her whole life. BDD is "A mental illness involving obsessive focus on a PERCEIVED FLAW in appearance." Amber Heard was and currently is still what mostpeople would call a little fat, chubby, maybe needs to lose some weight, get in shape, etc. That's not a perceived flaw. It's a REAL FLAW. My opinion? IMO She hates herself because her BPD makes her crave attention, but there's nothing extraordinary about her to get that attention. She's ordinary looking, she has ordinary talent, she has below ordinary intelligence and education, she has below ordinary breeding and class (see her family history and history of infidelity during her marriage to Depp.) What she DOES suffer from is extreme insecurity and rage. She has PRINCESS Diana Syndrome. She wants to be PRINCESS Diana by being an ambassador for causes like Diana was, yet she has none of PRINCESS Diana's qualifications, class, grace, good looks, intelligence, education or breeding. Basically she's an ordinary chick that wants to be extra ordinary. And she isn't. And because of that, she's filled with rage. Multiply that range 1,000 times now that she's lost to Depp, been humiliated in front of the whole world, is pushing 40, has lost her looks and has no career or husband or money. Damn ...would NOT 🚫 want to be her.

  3. She was never fat. She was a healthy weight and looked beautiful before she lost a ton of weight. She does not suffer from fat girl syndrome. She is not a psychopath. She is a down to earth person who is getting a very bad bum rap for something she should not be getting heat for. Johnny Depp is cool. But - he has abused drugs and alcohol since he was a teen. After years and years of this - in his early 50's he lost control after his 14 year relationship ended. While under the influence of drugs and alcohol, especially when they are mixed, you do not have control over what you are doing and often do not even remember what you did. This is not uncommon. She loved him and tried to stay with him and help him. That is a pretty stand up thing to do. Her testimony seemed pretty convincing to me. We grew up with Johnny Depp - everyone has been a huge fan of his for so long. He is charming and likeable and funny and gorgeous, too. But just because we have grown up watching him on 21 jump street and then indie films and then bigger films and then Pirates, we think we know him. We don't know him. We do not know what he is or is not capable of even though we might like to think that we do. People need to be honest about the fact they are biased in this case. I can at least step back and say that I am and have always been crazy about Depp - but I don't really know him. I also know what drugs and alcohol can do to people. The best of people. People change and are often even unrecognizable when they are on benders and say and do things they never would otherwise. You do not know what did or did not happen. So do not throw her under the bus and call her a psychopath. I think she married him in a time in his life where he was no longer living with his kids all the time and he had lost a lot of money. His kids were a stabilizing force in his life and not having them around all the time was hard for him. He had been known to have a violent temper in the past by many. But no one ever talks about it. He has a jealous streak that comes out when he is drunk. He is not perfect. And neither is she. But she hasn't been around as long. We are not fans of her - so he gets the benefit of the doubt but she does not. It isn't right or fair to her. Step back and at least give her a break. She might be telling the truth. So - just don't call her a psychopath and a bitch and all of that. Cause you don't know.

    1. Heard was medically overweight before she starved herself and used drugs to get thin. She was also most likely bulimic. Google Amber Heard red knuckles.

      She is medically overweight now. She's also aging badly, The hollowed, dark eyes, the bags under her eyes, the dull complexion, the Crows feet and forehead wrinkles, the overprocessed hair, the horrible plastic surgery including those awful cheek implants which makes her face look wide and square with the extra fat, Juvederm to fill out her acne scars (see photos of her with acne scars), her nose job where you can see the scars in our nostrils (Google Amber Heard nose job scars), her eyebrow lift which you can tell has expired by now, by the way she forces her eyebrows up all the time to keep her eyelids from drooping, her weird lip job, the heavy makeup, the medications she needs... All these things make her face look even fatter/worse than it actually is with the weight gain.

      As far as her character is concerned, the jury the judge and the entire world didn't believe a word she said. She is not a psychopath, but a Sociopath who suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder and Histrionic Personality Disorder. And no she does not suffer from Fat Girl Syndrome, she is actually at this point fat, medically. ANY DOCTOR WOULD TELL HER TO LOSE AT LEAST 25 TO 30 LBS.



    3. Shut up Amber.

  4. Amber - is that you?
